Knowing All that We Need to Know
Todd Hayen

It is a mystery to me why human beings, as a whole, seem to think that the entire workings of the universe have been “figured out.” And as such, there really is no mystery left to any of it.
Yes, people think there are still things yet to invent, and still things in the natural world yet to take apart and understand better. But the fundamental building blocks of the material realm have been discovered and essentially understood.
I think most people will agree there are more things on the horizon that we can “invent”—meaning that we can still learn how to read minds, or learn how to eliminate cancer, or fly to distant solar systems, but I think, even if this is true, that most people believe we have broken the code regarding how the universe works.
We know all that we need to know about atoms, the smallest building blocks of nature—we know all that we need to know about the human body, including genomes, DNA structure, proteins, and all that scientific gobbledygook the “scientists” have told us they have “figured out.” If not, why then be so confident regarding the safety of injecting billions of people with a gene altering “drug”? And of course the majority of the world said, “yeah, why not, they know what they are doing.”
If this isn’t true for someone, and if that person is saying, “oh, I don’t believe that at all, I believe science has much more to discover in the natural world,” I would still be willing to bet that even that person believes science has nothing new to learn about human beings. Particularly regarding the human psyche, human behaviour, and human psychology.
Most of these “materialist types” believe that religion and spirituality is old hat superstition. Therefore anything of a metaphysical nature is cast out with the materialist bathwater. Things like rituals, archetypes, dreams, even the mysterious effect that art or music has on the human psyche, are not even considered as having much importance. As a result of these things essentially being cast aside, they are considered to be things that are “fully understood.” Fully understood to have no meaning and no importance.
This, to me, has been the greatest assault to humanity in the history of mankind, and has had the greatest negative impact on our way of life—the wholesale destruction of meaning in the unseen, and by “unseen” I mean non-material. For this destruction to take place fully and effectively, we first have to be made to believe that it has “all been figured out.”
There is really nothing new to learn, and what we cannot explain, we will relegate to “promissory materialism”—a term invented to say that if we can’t explain now through material means, one day we will be able to—we now know the building blocks of reality, nothing is a true mystery.
Now, not all scientists are so arrogant to believe this. Some just while away in their labs with their theories, their experiments, and their reliance on the “scientific method” to prove or disprove their hypotheses. These are the true scientists. But they too have their traumas, which are always trying to get the best of them. They are constantly attacked in academia by other scientists trying to prove they are wrong—thus go the wars of falsification, a constant in the world of academic science—a necessary constant.
But this relentless battle can have its deleterious effect on those engaged in it. Trauma is trauma, and it all has negative effect in some way. These scientists get hardened, and often are unwilling to let go of treasured beliefs. They fight hard for what they hold to be truth about the mechanisms of the natural world, and the longer they hold a truth, the more difficult it becomes to pull it down from its exalted pedestal.
God forbid, then, politicians get involved. Any person of authority will grab any sort of scientific “idea” (which they will call truth) that supports their agenda, and they will run with it. They will do whatever they can to support the false idea that the “science is set” and that any contrary idea is thrown in the waste bin by vilifying the notion, the purveyor of the notion, or censoring the contrary idea altogether. “We know everything!” They spout out. “It is all figured out, follow the science!”
I would suspect that a lot of real scientists that hear this sort of thing rub their chin and say, “well, that isn’t exactly right . . .” but they want to keep their jobs at the lab, or their tenured position at the university, or their stature among their peers and instead mutter, “yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket.” Some of them are probably even unconscious that is what they are doing.
I would also suspect that the majority of scientists believe what I am stating here about “knowing everything.” I think most of them believe that. Sure, they think there are still things to “figure out” but they believe all the basic building blocks have been discovered. They have reduced EVERYTHING down to its fundamental reality. And that’s that.
They are wrong.
I am a psychologist, and although I would definitely enter a debate with anyone about the limitations of physical reality, I would rather argue the audacity of any belief that says the human psyche is an open book that has been read from page one to the last. And, believe it or not, the reality of the planet (if not the entire universe) is impacted by the inner workings of the human psyche. And we have not even begun to understand how that works. Not even a smidgen.
When I say, “psyche,” I am not speaking of the medical model definition of “psyche” which stays within the materialist paradigm. I am including all of that, yes, but that is not the whole picture. The psyche also “contains” the non-objective elements of reality—thoughts, dreams, love, emotions, intuition, gut feelings, and meaning beyond the physical senses—as well as an awareness of God and spirituality.
Within the psyche lies the reason a sunset is emotionally moving, a kiss brings more than a physical sensation, or why a rain dance among indigenous people actually brings rain (or doesn’t). It contains the mystery of “meaning” and of “purpose” and if we want to discover what these things are to us as an individual (and as a community of humans) we have to give these things more credence than the materialists want us to. We have to embrace the fact that life is ineffable and is not made up of only material particles.
All the things humans have done throughout the millennia to bring meaning and purpose to their lives, cannot be seen solely as superstition, but as life affirming concepts, rituals, stories, imaginations, and formulations. If we keep ignoring this, we will continue to destroy ourselves. We don’t know everything; we must leave a lot up to faith, and to mystery. We must not only follow consciousness of the intellect, but consciousness of the heart. Therein lies the peace of the Universe.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here
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Thank you Todd.
My favourite is the idea that there are surely no aliens visiting us because “there’s no life within a light year of distance and nothing travels faster than light”
I’m not saying there are aliens visiting us, but this reason is bogus. It’s like when Wright brothers were about to invent manned flight and “experts” siad that wouldn’t happen for millions of years to come.
Some people believe we know everything about the Universe. No matter how many times experts or anyone was spectacularly wrong.
I mean how do you know if you’re not missing something when you claim no one could travel further than light years.
You ARE missing something if you say you can’t travel faster than light. In fact, it follows the current model of physics. Let’s just imagine that UFOs are real, and if they are real, they have been observed travelling from zero to 20000 miles an hour in less than a second. Then extrapolate that our to the potential performance of their, let’s say “Mother ship”. If that Mother Ship can travel really fast, like close to the speed of light, it can go from here to somewhere like Zeta Reticuli, which is about 40 plus light years away, in just over 40 years. However, that’s not the whole story, because if you’re travelling at close to the speed of light, time on board the ship slows down. So if someone could watch your ship as it zoomed across the galaxy it would appear to take more than 40 years, but to those on board it would only take 1 year and 7 months. It effectively turns your ship into a space ship and a time machine (that can only go into the future).
Or that light has always traveled at the same speed. One big assumption, just ripe for refuting …
bravo..well said sir.
Imagine a Xerox machine that pumps out the consistant historical pursuit, generation after generation, of mono patterned thinking and process, and then look where we are…a very BIG knife has slashed us, cut us completely adrift if you will, finally from our analogue threads, our past, our future and has thrust upon us a techno-sphere that we are told is real. Whether we like it or not.
Add to that, the beautifully worked MK Ultra concepts of the past 70 years, America the Dream Culture and the absolute heavenly 2020 bollocks, and we see exactly what is not.
Do we point at it as an artwork. Do we look at it as a show, or simply carry on along the tracks so well trodden and appear to be rejuvinatingly trodden again?
A young Russian guy today, was telling me how his grandfather, was once a professor of “Political Communist Propaganda” at a University where the students would study the techniques and distribution of said propaganda to all and sundry. Facinating stuff.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, we live in a dreamworld perhaps, that thankfully we can start to study a little better, to truely discover those systems that make us “believe” thereby loosing those beliefs, and return to our inate imagination and the power of thinking as our prime locator of past/present/future.
I believe the “psyche” or human soul is immortal and everlasting.
We’re put here on earth by GOD, with the ‘intellect’ given by him to discern between ‘right&wrong’ or good and evil. Do we want to help others or do we mainly go for personal gains? Do we want to be part of the solutions or do we exacerbate the problems? Are we followers of the evil one, or are we conscious and ‘awakened’ enough to make the obvious decision, instead of letting others decide over our ‘lives’…
That is, i believe, the learning ‘task’ for all spiritual beings born into this marvelous 3D physical experiment called “life”.
We human beings are trying to control Life (and God and the human Self) by reducing it all to the size of our ever-shrinking tiny ‘rational’ minds, so that maybe we won’t be so afraid of Life. Rather like a frog wanting to be ‘king’ in a very little pond/puddle. And notice that this is not a ‘rational’ thing to do as a method of coping with LIfe. It’s just all fear, and no love here.
A sublime as well as suicidal sense can be found from there being more in heaven and earth than what we know. But then any and all sense of life can be lost like a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing. Maybe the mazes of meaning and meaninglessness boil down to what that great Amerikkkan bard Sir Donald Rumsfeld suggested of known knowns and known unknowns overtaken by unknown unknowns, like state secrets.
Words, words, words. Call me a materialist type, as if that’s different from something spiritual, but knowledge and power grow together, all too stupidly and insanely when systematized as sciences of social engineering for total information awareness and control of human resources. Knowledge is living legacy of labor organized for production of human well-being, or not, and so much the worse for us when it’s monopolized by powers reducing us to machines, dead capital.
Knowledge and skills of revolutionary traditions of working class power have been largely lost to us, now locked away in cells of the digital (c)age, after generations of cogs in the machinery of production. Far beyond Adam Smith’s pin factory wage slave having little leisure to explore the subtleties of the cosmos, it’s not that so many presume things figured out as simply to have been dispossessed of interest in things of the mind by alienation of bodies in social relations ruled by capital’s death march.
Regaining wonder of all life, if it is to have any chance as a human trait rather than an exclusive privilege, requires radical reorganization of social relations which enable a more equal freedom to be, and not just to have and be had. Short of that, our solitary speculations remain shipwrecked on islands in seas of misery.
“The Peace which passes all understanding” is a spiritual expression of an inner joy, a oneness with all. A deep fulfillment beyond thought. A overwhelming happiness. “God”, as Rupert Spira says, is another word for happiness.
We live in our physical bodies, yet are aware of a timelessness.
One of the things left to understand is the interconnection between the physical and the spiritual. Sort of like trying to piece together physics with quantum theory.
In a sense we live in time and simultaneously beyond time. Does our consciousness allow us to see into a non-physical realm?
Time is a key here. We exist in space/time, which are inseparable. Are the mysteries of quantum physics, like particles that defy space/time, a key to the quasi physicality of spirituality?
This is the kind of thing that the remarkable minds of physicist, David Bohm, and spiritual leader, Jiddu Krishnamurti, explored together, those things imprisoned by time and those untouched by it.
There’s a school of thought (mine) which supposes Time to be a creation of living entities, including us humans. As we get older we create less Time, until we eventually cease producing any Time.
Obviously this view precludes any such thing as being “untouched” by Time as long as we remain alive. Although in a literal sense we are “untouched” by that which we ourselves create.
Time gets away from us as soon as it’s created. It goes into the Ether to sit as dark matter.
Mechanical ‘Time’ is indeed an Artificial Construct of capital limitation.
A fine summary of what materialism really is.
People’s own personal, individual experience shouts at them what the whole reality is, but they don’t like the responsibility involved in the spiritual half, so they throw it out, baby and all – and remain ignorant of their own potential.
A popular excuse for this irrational behaviour is that ‘religion’ has been corrupted, but a little further thought can easily show that it is only the worldly institutions of religion that have been corrupted – not the reality behind them.
In a parallel development, education has been hijacked by one partisan ‘movement’ after another, instead of naturally including pretty much everything – as it once used to do.
Again, the result is that babies are thrown out with bathwater, and ignorance reigns.
It is truly lamentable that the current, exponential growth of ignorance is going to be passed down to the next generation of human minds – minds which have never known what it is to put one concept beside another and contemplate the differences…
Football on TV, thrashing rock noise, pornography, celebration of gross overweight and rejection of the very idea of a moral compass – these are the acceptable fodder for today’s average mind, as well as being the modern equivalent of “keeping up with the Joneses”.
How can we not think in apocalyptic terms while living in such an environment?
Oh, yes, people don’t know what The Apocalypse is any more…
This is so right on!!
“A popular excuse for this irrational behaviour is that ‘religion’ has been corrupted, but a little further thought can easily show that it is only the worldly institutions of religion that have been corrupted – not the reality behind them.”
Couldn’t agree with this more…
But it is not an easy task to see behind. People find out organised religion is so full of hypocrisy. They dismiss it. God as a little Santa Clause in heaven, my arse.
It requires some backbone and a more profound interest in the meaning of our lives, to go further on and find out there is nothing wrong with the biblical concept, and further that it is still needed although all organised religion on earth probably are corrupted.
For myself it was a good exercise to suddenly realize the non-believers actually had a good case, for being non-believers.
One jump out of the divide and conquer concept, contempt for the non-believers versus contempt for the believers.
Indeed it is not an easy task.
Endless obstacles are put in our way.
The ‘profound interest’ you mention is crucial, but seems to be in rather short supply.
We must be grateful if we are gifted with that kind of curiosity, and I believe it really is a gift.
“Responsibility involved in the spiritual half” is a rather odd way of putting the easily explained phenomena of an inner life.
People live a large part of their lives in their minds, therefore in an illusionary realm where the typical constraints of the physical world do not apply. The only “responsibility” involved in this activity is simply knowing that it is not real in any material sense and therefore cannot be circumscribed in the physical world.
However, simply because it cannot be circumscribed in reality does not mean it’s spiritual in any sense beyond the equation of fantasy with spirituality.
What is taken to be spirituality is merely a dream state – dream time, as some cultures call it.
I don’t agree that the ‘inner life’ is so easily explained, and the reason I don’t is because I believe the inner life of each individual is different.
Not even ‘spirituality’ is the same for everyone.
Some find that going to church every Sunday is ‘spiritual’, while others sense a spiritual dimension behind many of the things we take for granted in the outer world, and they want to learn more about it.
Only personal experience offers ‘proof’ of such things, and the obvious corollary of that is that it is not important to prove your own experience to other people.
It is simply there.
As an average American who joined the US Army Corps of Engineers right at a year before what happened with the 9/11 scam and weaponized anthrax and vaccine scam soon after I’d like to share some observations with you that I’ve made and learned since 2007 best I can. The first step is to realize the actual power of the US, BBC and other legacy mainstream media (psyops more or less) over many people’s minds for a long time now. And then next realize that fake news is nothing new at all in history. Feel free to help us correct any of our research if you can. Thank you.
The Best Truth I Can Share
Michael 🌻
One of my favorite Twitter moments:
Norm Macdonald Out Smarts Astrophysicist Neal deGrasse Tyson
Did Tyson not get the memo on quantum physics that proves that we live in a subjective reality?? That our observation of anything has a direct influence on it? What a shyster.
The strangest phenomenon we have realized in the 20th century is that vision boards actually produce results. The “mystery” behind this is just science we have yet to find the words to explain.
Im still at the nanobot and smartdust visions.
Next in line is x-ray photo science of the spike protein and graphene visions in our blood.
“Subjective reality from memo on quantum physics.”
I’ll have to put that one on my list. I use these kind of stuff to hunt girls.
The present world stage is dominated by mind + greed = egos, individual or national ones. They got us in this hole, so stop digging.
If we tune out from these two bad advisors we might hear/see simpler truer thoughts /feelings from the real Psyche behind the heart. It is closer to beauty, harmony, & knowledge.
The ‘shocking” Truth is that “God” is already in everything and “we” are just mini expressions of it in endless variety. Imagine: no heaven but also no hell far away, not even here on Earth. “You” do have the freedom to participate consciously or not. Bad news actually makes that more attractive for our meme enslaved minds and “possessed” emotions.
I guess, that it is a question of control. What cannot be measured cannot be controlled. What cannot be controlled has to be feared.The mysterious scares those, who only live in their heads and by intellectual constructs.
Denying the reality of psychic phenomena, i.e. the awareness of the heart and the body, is the easy way out for those “scientists”, who have long silenced their own ‘irrational’ souls.
Con-senses Physicists are getting cross-eyed by seeing Quantum Physics effects on sub nano scale & new observations from the James Webb space telescope on macro. Big Bang? Its age?
What puzzles me is all those who seem to have belatedly realised that kids get indoctrinated in schools…
Many decades ago i was sent to be schooled by the Catholics, and had to learn Christian Doctrine, or be punished for getting it wrong…
Maybe *doctrine* in those days wasnt a dirty word, pejoratively speaking, or maybe, nowadays. there’s doctrine, and there’s wrong-speak doctrine ?
Institutionalized religion is finally being viewed as the cult-like indoctrination that it is. The universe has no separate “sects”; it’s a human invention.
“I regard monotheism as the greatest disaster ever to befall the human race. I see no good in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam — good people, yes, but any religion based on a single, well, frenzied and virulent god, is not as useful to the human race as, say, Confucianism, which is not a religion but an ethical and educational system.” ― Gore Vidal, At Home: Essays 1982-1988
“Now to the root of the matter. The great unmentionable evil at the center of our culture is monotheism. From a barbaric Bronze Age text known as the Old Testament, three anti-human religions have evolved –Judaism, Christianity, Islam. These are sky-god religions. They are, literally, patriarchal –God is the omnipotent father– hence the loathing of women for 2,000 years in those countries afflicted by the sky-god and his earthly male delegates. The sky-god is a jealous god, of course. He requires total obedience from everyone on earth, as he is in place not for just one tribe but for all creation. Those who would reject him must be converted or killed for their own good. Ultimately, totalitarianism is the only sort of politics that can truly serve the sky-god’s purpose. Any movement of a liberal nature endangers his authority and that of his delegates on earth. One God, one King, one Pope, one master in the factory, one father-leader in the family home.”
~ Gore Vidal
Got you both. Organised trolls promoting anti-Christ.
Gore Vidal – “His third novel, The City and the Pillar (1948), outraged conservative critics as one of the first major American novels to feature unambiguous homosexuality”.
God made us free moral agents. We are the ones responsible for involving politicians and for putting up with the consequences of our choice of politician.
Infinity isn’t a number, so is beyond any Quantum…
Think of 7 impossible things before breakfast:
…Divide Infinity by Infinity: Infinitely…and you may begin to see the Illusion that Perception defines as ‘Reality’…
As Above so Below,
As Within so Without.
Our Eden is a disc, the Moon is an expired Sun…
‘Nothing real can be threatened, Nothing unreal exists…’
As you suggest … “‘Nothing real can be threatened, Nothing unreal exists…’” hence the ‘need’ for perception management. And, boy are the DS ever so expert in this dark-art. To cap-it-all, they use the people’s money and resources while we marvel at ‘their exceptionalism’.
Why is it so …?
Nothing is so, other than thinking that makes it such.
The only infinity is now…
(“It’s ‘Now’, or, ‘Never'” – Elvis The Pelvis ( popular 1950s singer)…
Elvis was one of the great prophets.
My personal religion is my connection with my environment. Plants, animals, insects, even my 22 year old truck that’s kept me safe on the roads all these years. I don’t “worship” anything or anyone as I feel that gives that or them a power or status that no one deserves. Everything on this earth is important and has the right to exist. We’re so far from knowing it all, but money and power would love you to think otherwise.
But there is one worthy of your worship – your creator.
For the last 50 years they (club of Rome, etc.) have done nothing but plan to kill us. You can call it science if you like. Truth… truth is not our friend. We cannot walk it in the neighborhood on a leash having our friends and neighbors gushing over it. Truth must be kept in a whole where we can toss it bits of bloody raw flesh… so we can think we bought ourselves more time. And I am a positive guy. Of all the distraction we face on a daily bases, we do not want to give sovereignty of nations to the W.H.O.! NO ONE IS SPEAKING FOR YOU. There is NO representation for your taxation. Atoms, DNA, viruses along with everything else is fake. Consciousness is our only salvation. If you don’t speak-out for your rights you have none. Non-violence is key.
I like your ponderings, Todd, and agree with a whole lot of your conclusions.
However, when it comes to medicine, I see only the negation of “we’ve got it all figured out.” This despite the fact that they actually already know what causes disease – but are deliberately hiding it from the largely unsuspecting masses! They cause cancer (and other diseases) in those unfortunate “lab animals” all the time to test their toxic drugs on, after all. A clueless and dependent patient is a profitable patient! And on and on goes the donations drive to “find” a cure for cancer. Their advertising in our face everywhere, every day. When all the while they are asking the wrong question. The right question would be: How can we prevent cancer! They know it; the common man and woman on the street possibly knows it but chooses to ignore the truth, as always. Given their infantilised state of mind, they prefer the guiding hand from authority, readily submitting to whatever is pronounced from above.
When it comes to health and disease, we do not have to delve deeper and deeper into the minutiae of atoms and their subatomic particles. The ancients knew how to heal without this knowledge. They still had a sense of mystery about life and their surroundings and, yet, were much more successful at healing and living their lives to the full. Just as you recommend in your last paragraph.
When the WHO still had some honest staff on board.
Indeed, nutrition is the best to prevent disease, and to heal, I think.
“I will employ living and dietary measures for the benefit of the sick, to the best of my knowledge and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.” Hippocrates would have said.
And: “In food there is excellent medicine, in food there is bad medicine; good and bad are relative.”
And just let that food be very bad these days! Guess how is that possible? 🤔
Pills don’t heal a cut, or sore muscles. An alkaline environment and an excess of energy – and the body heals itself rapidly.
I just bought this book The Wisdom of the Body by Walter B. Cannon, written in 1932:
“The first detailed account of the way in which our bodies preserve their stability against the many disturbing forces they encounter, suggesting that the lessons to be derived from the body’s wisdom might be applied to problems of social and economic stabilization.”
Are the fruits in the image pesticide free? Lemon
unvaxxed,I mean unwaxed?Exactly. The ‘quest to find a cure’ is more profiteering and hiding the fact we know how to prevent it. It allows people to continue doing all the things that cause cancer, safe in the assurance that the scientists are looking for the ‘cure’. It’s farcical. If people haven’t worked this out by the time they are a full adult, what can you say.
Apparently we don’t know quite everything just yet.
These Girls Go To UCLA?! – YouTube
That made me laugh. Fortunately for everyone they knew the most important answer.
Science as “all-knowing” ended with quantum uncertainty and the much overdue demise of the delusion of objectivity. I think Neils Bohr was the grisly undertaker.
Western philosophy ended with the arrival at the problem of the meaning of meaning and the obligatory reference to Nietzche.
Western culture is a sham based on lies, arrogance, insane hubris and the colonialism that came with those. The driving force behind this extremely zealous machine has been abrahamic religion and its promises of ownership of “the world”, which has now been not replaced but reinforced by The Science.
Western states, despite being supposedly based on secular rationalism and “democracy”, never cancelled abrahamic religion ( which after all is not native to the West or its colonies). They never took away the stolen wealth (= power) held by the Churches and especially the Vatican, a power coming directly from the Roman Empire, which I think is not meant to represent “democracy”. They did not touch the European royal families linked to all this.
This is because Western states were largely created by these royal families and their useful idiots, as a way to hide themselves, fool the peons into thinking they are free, and avoid further beheading incidents.
The false religion is now being joined in by the false science, known as “the science”, with virology and climatology leading the way in pure hocus pocus. They are the modern-day charlatans and fake shamans, impressing people with jargon and highly technical sounding treatises about things the eye cannot see, and spreading mass fear about death, disease and destruction…. that only they can help us deal with!
The result of both false religion and false science is the same : slavery, nihilistic materialism and corrupt morals, alienation, disease, depression and insanity- and is the story of western civilisation so far. Billions served!
The spam filter is almost cute….not.
One aspect of the politically correct legislation about “hate speech” is the need to preserve the grip of the false religion over large masses of people in the “third world”.
This is why they want to make it illegal to deconstruct or satirise religion, and why they consistently attempt to conflate religion with race. ( the primary false religion is more out of bounds than others because….)
You know, Ras-Puputin, my ‘search’ was all about 25 years ago for gravity. I wanted to know how that was. This is how the journey started with physics, then through psychology, biology, spirituality and religion and many more areas. Now I study quantum mechanics. Is ‘it’ kinetic energy, the time-space field? What is an electron and what is a photon.
But, and I came to the importance of our consciousness and especially self-awareness. Language, images, intuition, soul, love and hate, the experience of life itself. The mystery of being.
I recommend everyone the way in. There may be treasures waiting there.
Science as “all-knowing” ended with quantum uncertainty and the much overdue demise of the delusion of objectivity. I think Neils Bohr was the grisly undertaker.
Western philosophy ended with the arrival at the problem of the meaning of meaning and the obligatory reference to Nietzche.
Western culture is a sham based on lies, arrogance, insane hubris and the colonialism that came with those. The driving force behind this extremely zealous machine has been abrahamic religion and its promises of ownership of “the world”, which has now been not replaced but reinforced by The Science.
Western states, despite being supposedly based on secular rationalism and “democracy”, never cancelled abrahamic religion ( which after all is not native to the West or its colonies). They never took away the stolen wealth (= power) held by the Churches and especially the Vatican, a power coming directly from the Roman Empire, which I think is not meant to represent “democracy”. They did not touch the European royal families linked to all this.
This is because Western states were largely created by these royal families and their useful idiots, as a way to hide themselves, fool the peons into thinking they are free, and avoid further beheading incidents.
The false religion is now being joined in by the false science, known as “the science”, with virology and climatology leading the way in pure hocus pocus. They are the modern-day charlatans and fake shamans, impressing people with jargon and highly technical sounding treatises about things the eye cannot see, and spreading mass fear about death, disease and destruction…. that only they can help us deal with!
The result of both false religion and false science is the same : slavery, nihilistic materialism and corrupt morals, alienation, disease, depression and insanity- and is the story of western civilisation so far. Billions served!
This is an era where the ruling elite, the capitalist ecosystem, the 1%, their politicians, their msm and their adherents, believes as Fukuyama declared, it is the end of history. They believe whatever their little tweaked out brains come up with, is reality. It’s just a matter of time. They believe the Universe and it’s functionality have been conquered by their corporate (pseudo) “science” and arrogant profit first operating system. They believe their ideology, an irreversible reality under their control. Everything they think must be reality. Because there’s nothing that can stop them from implementing what ever they attempt. They have all the capital, the authority and the violence to keep commoners from saying no.
Post WW2, US capitalist Empire was god on Earth. “We” did it all. When killing JFK, RFK, MLK & MX was required to save empire, along with virtualizing money to paper, then Reagan/Thatcher hatched it’s now 43 yr old plan to privatize Humanity. Paper money was the first over-clocking of the system hardware to improve performance. Deregulation and detaxation further loosened the restraints and Clinton Admin unleashing of Wall Street began the overclocking of the system software. DotCom, 911, Great Recession, LOCKDOWN, WW3, plandemics, transhumanism, mass satellites and mining planets is the result of their overclocked brains thinking they will succeed over everything in Universe. Meanwhile every real problem: war, pollution, poverty and genocide is worse than ever.
This ecocidal ideology-over-reality era must be terminated by the world’s 99% stopping all participation with everything they do. Imho.
Democracy and capitalism are not compatible ideologies. They work against each other. The only forces that have ever managed to harness capitalism are socialist forces – government regulation and social programs like unemployment and medicare. These forces protect the people from the worst ravages of capitalism. Anti-trust laws, environmental regulations, oversight, unions, safety nets – these are the forces that created actual stability in the US, leading to its “golden era” of prosperity from the late 1940s to the 1970s.
The plan to replace Democracy with Technocracy has been long in the making, beginning in the 1930’s and resurfacing later:
“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”
― Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technotronic Era
Great quote from Brzezinski. They really do broadcast right into our faces exactly what they are going to do. Regardless of Chomsky’s recent roll over, he’s documented more than enough from the vampire’s mouths to prompt Humanity to cage these monsters forever from decision making. It really is up to we the 99% to throttle anything done without public recorded consent. There are a million unexplored ways to eventualize this reality.
I hate to do this but that’s a misquote. Here is the correct quote extracted from the book, with the entire paragrapah:
“Another threat, less overt but no less basic, confronts liberal democracy. More directly linked to the impact of technology, it involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control. Under such circumstances, the scientific and technological momentum of the country would not be reversed but would actually feed on the situation it exploits.[Emphasis added]”
One of the sources Brzezinski cites on the impact of technology is Dr. Donald N. Michael’s Some Speculations on the Social Impact of Technology, 1966. I Couldn’t find the paper but I found an article he authored which gives an idea of what he conceived of that impact and of its origin. In Some Long-Range Implications of Computer Technology for Human Behavior in Organizations, 1962, Dr. Michael writes:
“Computers are especially useful for dealing with social situations that pertain to people in the mass, such as traffic control, financial transactions, mass-demand consumer goods, allocation of resources, etc. They are so useful in these areas that they undoubtedly will help to seduce planners into inventing a society with goals that can be dealt with in the mass rather than in terms of the individual. In fact, the whole trend toward cybernation can be seen as an effort to remove the variabilities in man’s on-the-job behavior and off-the-job needs which, because of their non-statistical nature, complicate production and consumption. Thus, somewhere along the line, the idea of the individual may be completely swallowed up in statistics. The planner and those he plans for may become divorced from one another, and the alienation of the individual from his government and individual from individual within government may grow ever greater. [Emphasis added]”
It is clear that Michael is arguing for the impersonal power of computers, and hence of technology in general, in compelling policy makers to establish an economy, an therefore a society, that swallows the individual and privileges the group which can be modelled statistically for economic analyses. Brzezinski’s view on the impact of technology is then made clear and quote assumes an entirely different meaning: It is the impersonal tendency of technology to suit an organisation of society in which the group rather than the individual is the guiding principle and which manifests itself ot the individual as control, the elite being only the instrument thereof.
Just to add that the text is very nuanced; note, for instance that the “claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how.”
The book is available at Anna’s Archive.
Today’s “science” often resembles a way in which bad people use others, often people with a certain brain and character, to unravel the world of matter in order to better suppress the rest of humanity.
It also reminds me of Jesus Christ. His fight against the worldly people. His spiritual example. Especially He showed the hypocrisy of some.
And it reminds me of a real scientist, Plato, who took pleasure in exposing false learning for what it often was; ignorance.
But yeah.
It is also known from the Bible that money plays an important devilish role. Without money, some wouldn’t have such sickening power. It’s so unfair, it’s unbelievable. And stupid and sad. Because science is now also for sale, just as the sophists of Plato’s time already showed.
I would therefore like it if we closed the universities for about 100 years. First there must be purity again, and by that I mean the soul. Without inspiration it is nothing, and it never becomes anything, I think.
In fact, we have been enslaved as humanity for centuries. And that’s why the world is sick. Deathly ill. It is much more important to put this right than to do any science. Freedom on this earth is the first thing we need. Weapons must go and money must be gold and silver. That has to happen. The rest is distraction and leads to hell.
I believe it is called worshipping false Gods. Money is the false God so many of us worship. Money…. Sometimes referred to as the root of all evil. Meanwhile, God is and God is good.
dear Todd, please review the work of Ian McGilchrist..
I am sure you’ll be delighted, and find an intellectual, professional and spiritual mate and a new powerful way to frame all you’re talking about here.
Science bad. Humans good. Got it
Maybe dig a little deeper
And yet, we don’t seem to know enough about the psychos that rule over us, what they’re up to, and where they’re taking us because all we do is talk about it endlessly while doing nothing about it. I guess that’s the way we humans are.
I have a feeling you, and the rest of OG readers, are doing as much about it as you can do. There is not much more, at this time, we CAN do. At some point we may all take to the streets, but there has to be a much more powerful incentive to do that…and yes, by that time it might be too late.
Well, anyone playing this game, or fighting this war if you will, that isn’t frustrated at “their” continued dominance should re-examine why they’re playing/fighting. As an elder, I remember discussions 20 years ago about how the internet held so much promise for activism because we could organize and spread the word. Here we are now many wars later, a scamdemic later, lockdowns, worldwide globalist dictates, economic recessions, creeping toward trillionaires, etc., and now it’s become we can’t do shit about it. It’s just the same thing every day, and yes, I’m part of that. But I don’t believe that, I’ve long believed that if we can get 170 million people to vote for Joe Biden and Donald Trump, we should be able to get 50 million to join together as an opposition. I guess that’s called hope.
“We talk about US presidents all the time — Obama did this, Trump did that, blah blah blah. But really it’s never the president doing those things, it’s the empire. The president is just the face of the operation, the name they put on the door that they change every few years to create the illusion that the US government is responsive to the will of the electorate. “
Johnstone is a paid shill, definitely controlled opposition.
Reply went into pending, you might see it tomorrow.
My mantra during the “pandemic ” was “Nobody knows the mystery of life ” this was my confrontation in these dark days.
Good for you.
My two favourite mantras are: “Love is the greatest force in the Universe.” And: “One cannot control life.”
I hope it´s true 😉
We got to the 2nd Greek Rainbow Land project at Perdikoneri on the Western Pelopponese at about 4pm November 6th 1999. There were only 3 people left there, a German, his Greek girlfriend, and an Austrian. It hadn’t rained since May, and everybody else had left or simply run away. The river was completely dry.
‘Would you like it to rain?’ I asked.
‘Yes,’ they chorused.
‘OK, I’ll do a pipe ceremony’
At about 7pm it started to rain, and basically hardly stopped ’til March. We couldn’t put the tipis up, the poles sank, even when we placed suitable rocks under them and had to live in the trucks until the ground had dried out enough.
You can have too much of a good thing.
The Pelopponesian spring was fantastic, though. Carpets of flowers which would be exotic in more northerly climes.
I wonder where you got the impression that “its all been figured out”? Or that “scientists” are some kind of hive mind that all thinks alike?
Being a scientist just means you’re curious about how things work. People have been doing this from the dawn of time. Its tempting to adopt a short cut and assume there’s some kind of controlling entity but since this mindset is invariably used in the exercise of temporal power — the ineffable is interpreted for us by people who need to control us — many people tend to be skeptical about such theories.
It’s in there in the article. The basics of nature are figured out according to science, maybe at the quantum level it is still mysterious, but most “nature” scientists don’t pay much attention to that and some think it is all just a bunch of hooey. The building blocks of nature are thought to be known. Sure, as I say in the article, there is a lot to invent, to discover nuances, etc. No question. But the basic building blocks of the material world are thought to be known.
And I agree…the curious human is not at fault…it is the manipulation of science that is the true perpetrator.
I suggest wall street. Money flows to feed the manipulation of stocks and sales figures. So….science…..nature…..people…..who control who…..knowledge?
I recommend to anyone that they read Robert Monroe’s trilogy about his out-of-body experiences and those of people who had taken his courses. Compelling and mind boggling.
thx for recommendation; will peruse trilogy soon! RGB-Y3 out!!
“What I need to know, I come to know,”
Sri Nisargardatta Maharaj
“awareness of God”
this Reeks of Bad Taste, especially in the context of who is behind most Miseries and Chaos in the World.
If I could, I’d upvote your comment. But I can’t partake of childish silliness, so I’ll just say I found your comment worthy of praise.
It always amazes me that (at least in this forum) those who make a big deal of not being able to see or isolate viruses seem to have a blind spot when it comes to God.
“Oh,” they might say, “you can experience God – you don’t need to see Him!”
Well, you can also “experience” a virus – by getting sick.
You can’t ‘see’ Love either, yet it is the most real thing on this awesome Earth.
Yes, I see this contradiction as well, denying the assumption of ‘virus’ while accepting the assumption of ‘God’.
In physics/science belief is anathema. One seeks empirical evidence, results, derived by scientific method, which can be duplicated. The obvious mistake of virology is to seek the virus, before it is observed; by defining it, then finding it as defined. This is how St. Anslem proved the existence of God, with an a priori definition of what God is. It is not scientific, it is circular reasoning.
Organized religion also relies on dogma, undisputed articles of faith. In science these dogmatic articles can appear as ‘accepted science’. But if it is wrong, it is wrong, no matter how many people think it is right, or accept is as previously established fact. Science has had to self-correct many times in the past.
We will never find a concrete physicality to spirituality, or be able to point to it in a petri dish, but if joy can be felt and inner contentment and peace of mind and a sense of just being, then the search for it is perhaps worthwhile.
You guys are amazing in your complete utterly total ignorance. You wanna see, hear and feel God physically?
First of all, in all your cities everywhere on this planet there are churches and priests. Every day you drive to work or just drive you will pass a church.
Second, in your and all languages you will name either God (for God’s sake) or the Devil (for Devil’s sake) every single day when you speak.
In all Hollywood movies, TV programmes and all music; classic, rock, pop, jazz, you will hear and see references to the divine.
Not to talk about our nature, sea, mountains, lakes, giraffe, colibri, tigers.
When they found the DNA the ultimate proof of design, even some of the most hardcore atheist professors scientist gave up.
So you guys are still crawling around on the floor trying to find physical proof of God’s existence??
God equals consciousness equals awareness…. It doesn’t have to be an obscure notion.
At one time, religious leaders were infallible; that mantle has passed to scientists. In parallel, royalty was the supreme law, but that privilege has passed to “democratic” leaders.
Royalty is still supreme law, leading from behind. The sheeple just dont know it.
Bribery is supreme law. At the moment, there is no leadership as far as wisdom is concerned.
Knowing exactly what the universe is all about has never really been the exclusive province of the so-called “materialists.” Rather, it’s a hubris which faux materialists share with faux spiritualists.
It’s quite a leap (of faith?) to blame materialists for what they merely took from spiritualists and filled in the gaps. We always say today’s scientists are the new priesthood; but somehow we overlook that the priests were the scientists of their day.
Saying the universe is the plaything of matter is no different from saying it’s the plaything of a god.
The absurdity of imagining we “know” what a galaxy a hundred billion light years away is “doing” is no greater than imagining we “know” that a god playing peek-a-boo in the nether regions is watching with baited breath what we’re “doing.”
In either case, it was never about God or an atom. It was always about we humans. We cannot keep ourselves from being the center of creation. We are the ultimate expression of God’s handiwork. We are the ultimate expression of the coming together of matter.
Like the man said: “You pays your money and you takes your choice.”
David Bohm talking with Jiddu Krishnamurti, Ken Wilber’s ‘Holographic Paradigm’ or Douglas Harding’s website are all practical ways to get a glimpse through the veils of obfuscation.
Thanks Todd. Yes indeed, the high priests and their goon squad are every bit as mad and cruel as anything we’ve ever heard referenced in the ‘ahem’ history books. As I’ve said to many friends of late, at least now we know exactly what they think of us.
The ‘experts’ are funded to ‘find’ cabbalistic truths, its that simple.
The biggest lie ever but still promoted world wide and nauseum…
How long must we pretend the *** kammers were real?
I’ve always been fond of this quote from Soren Kierkegaard:
“Absolutely no benefit can be derived from involving oneself with the natural sciences. One stands there defenseless, with no control over anything. The researcher immediately begins to distract one with his details: First off to Australia; then to the moon; then into an underground cave; then, by Satan, up the arse—to look for an intestinal worm; first the telescope must be used, then the microscope: Who the Devil can endure it!”
I think that what Kierkegaard was complaining about was the “bad infinity” where meaning is to be sought by constant addition. This is the ultimately despairing task of trying to encompass everything, to think that you always gain by adding on – which is a task bound to lapse into despair since it can obviously never reach the end. The “good infinity” is to see the entire universe in one item at a time. Or, as a Russian folk tale put it, “One happy thing is every happy thing. Two are as if neither had ever been”.
This is brilliant, thank you!
Yep a good one. Quite analogue to the article.
“We know all about atoms, the smallest particles of nature, genomes, DNA, proteins, nanobots, and …..“scientists” tell us to trust injections with a gene altering “drug”.
Trust what is invisible, trust what you cant see and feel, trust what is not transparent, trust what has not been tested nor proved.
The green liquid in this bottle can make bald men grow hair again.
Obviously the world love to be cheated…..or think our neighbour want the best.
But….we wont get be fooled again! I will tip my hat for the new Constitution and the new revolution. :-).
Thanks for the reminder Erik, this and Teenage Wasteland. Thank God for music.
It can’t be helped. That is the nature of pursuing knowledge. “The more we enlarge the area of the lighted patch, the more we also enlarge the area of contact with the darkness of the unknown.’ -Prof. Bertrand Russell
Blatantly contradictory findings are OK if they suit your sponsor.The financial underbelly of science thwarts any challenge to the oligarchic demigods. The summary of every piece of research hedges its bets, usually with the word “may” and a call for further research.
Your Russian folk tale reminds me of a quote from Chagall: “The first thing I ever saw was the sun shining inside a horse trough in Vtebsk my native village.”
Like Vivaldi who was supposed to have composed the same violin concerto hundreds of times over, Chagall spent the rest of his life painting that extraordinary radiance he had seen in an ordinary village with ordinary people and ordinary animals, painting them hundreds of times over like a daily prayer, painting them better all the time — until in the end he learned from the stained glass windows at Chartres and St.Chapel, to fill his space with radiance alone.
The Russian folk tale was called “The Soldier’s Tale” and was set to music by Stravinsky. It has a part for a narrator and I have a recording featuring Christopher Lee.
Lovely. You’ve helped me see why I have always been so moved by Chagall’s paintings! Light that pervades all beings; the radiance of God shining in and through the material world, imperfect and ordinary as it is. As Leonard Cohen put it: “There is a crack in everything –That’s how the light gets in.”There is that little black cat on our block that rubs up against my legs. There is the blackbird that follows me around the garden as I weed, coming within a meter of me (yes, I know he is looking for bugs — but is he just looking for bugs?). There are the smiles on the faces of the elderly ladies in the dementia home when I visit them. Our world, imperfect and ordinary — or perfect and extraordinary? Depends perhaps on how we choose to see it.
Of all the things Mr. Kierkegaard listed, the “intestinal worm” is by far and away the most important. Countless lives – especially in Third World countries – have been saved by looking up people’s arses. Not to be taken lightly.
Never heard of such a Russian saying.
The universe sings, that much is known.
We are happiest in those moments we find a harmonious chord to it
So the secret of all creation and its purpose would be to return God’s love.
But this is now a working hypothesis and ready for falsification.
‘It is a mystery to me why human beings, as a whole, seem to think that the entire workings of the universe have been “figured out.’
Intellectual emptiness
Because that’s where the money is
For starters
Fear of not knowing
Fear of missing the boat
Fear of ostracism (‘you would not believe that’)
Fear of being an idiot (there is some truth in that. The consensus is not always wrong)
There are many reasons why people believe that they think.
One of the tragedies in this world is that most people have no idea at all and can only do as they’re told. But it makes the world predictable and if that is what you want… There are very few people who have original ideas. Most of these ideas are squashed as they don’t follow predictability.
The poverty of ideas leads to a stand still of society. When I look at the Netherlands, I see dykes and windmills that brought us (as a country) much prosperity (land, unsalted lakes, dry feet). But dykes and windmills are old ideas and we can’t progress any further. So what do we do (as a country): think of problems that don’t exist that can be solved with solutions that don’t bring anything. More windmills (for climate nonsense) and higher dykes (to protect against the rising sea, that doesn’t rise). And as long as we believe that these solutions work, there is ‘progress.’
It’s a make believe world, a fairy tale land, and we’ll keep it that way, since we ran out of ideas long ago, and because most people like to do as they’re told with the idea that the things that they do, lead to progress. As if they are part of a great idea. As as if for that reason (being part of that great idea) their existence matters. And their existence matters, but not for the great ideas that they think that their lives matter… I am talking about academics mostly here, ie the most stupid people that walk around on this planet, yet think that they are the salt of the earth. Example: covid.
And so it is with the Universe. It’s like an encyclopedia with some truths in it (such as that dykes prevent the land against the sea) but exaggerated. And now we believe that we know the beginning of the universe and the Higgs particle and all sorts of nonsense. Hawking was the worst (All his so called theories are non scientific, as none of them can be scientifically tested). But even Carl Sagan, who has written admirable books about the cosmos and science, doesn’t fall of the hook as he never openly contested the fairy tale of the moon landings, believed in nuclear bombs, payed lip service to man made climate change, and did as if the name ‘scientist’ actually meant something.
Is there an exit? – I think so. Think of original ideas and try to make them work. For who? – For a new generation. Our generation (or my generation if you don’t like generalizations) is totally fubar. Grown up with make believe where we would have flying cars in 2015, etc etc. Personally, I like Planck’s quote who said: ‘A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.’
That is the spirit.
Excellent analogy of how stupid the average human being is and does not even realise they are being told what to do
Be careful. That type of arrogance always backfire. We have all been there, done that, before we got wiser.
A good example of what you say can be found right here in this forum. Anyone who dares present any idea which deviates from the prevailing Ideology can expect a multitude of downvotes.
Conformity, it would seem, is alive and well and firmly in charge in this here forum. It’s almost to the point where the only comments worth reading are those with the most downvotes.
that stephen hawking boy such a fraud
Science (the published version anyway) doesn’t know what consciousness is nor where it’s located, how memory works (they thought for decades it must be in part of the brain – turns out it isn’t) nor why creatures need sleep.
Some people still repeat about the left- and right-hand sides of the brain. This was based on a small survey of the brain-damaged at Caltech in the early 1980s but it turns out it isn’t true of healthy brains at all. Still, it got a lot of media hype because it fitted in with esoteric symbolism about left and right so continues to fucntion as a ‘pop’ science explanation even though academic science rejected it decades ago.
The location of the power of archetypes has been found though – it’s in Jung’s nonsense and nowhere else. (Freud and Jung was a classic fake dialectic – yet again with their fake dialectics the correct answer is “neither”. Where does one start with Jung? His less than stellar opposition to the Nazis? His service as an OSS agent? His freemasonic family? His pimping of UFOs? His convincing a Rockefeller she had been a pharaoh in a past life?)
Virtually every famous scientist turns out to have had some sort of belief in metaphysics – often of highly esoteric kinds – when one digs deep enough into their back story. Let’s start with Newton’s belief in alchemy and proclivity for drinking mercury….
Haha! You’re chewing on pretty big bones there Ed! A few briefs aspersions on Jung and Newton sums up all what little perfect you need to know about these great men, and you probably have such stories about anyone who dare come up with creative understanding without your approval. We now know you’re such a good debunker, but do you yourself have insight for the rest of us mortals, or is really the ‘end of history’?
We visit this the realm of Guilt by Association at our own peril. Edwige is merely the best and most consistent as well as the most knowledgeable concerning this Alt-Right mantra.
Anyone who ever associated with one of the “bad guys” must be tarred with the same brush; and nothing they achieved should be accepted as anything but propaganda.
Goodbye Jung; goodbye Freud; goodbye Newton – and good riddance to all who dared stray from the one true path.
Must be nice being 110% certain of everything.
Well done for betraying your true motivation and masters.
Watch out or we’re getting Bible quotes.
Newton’s belief in alchemy was merely laughed at by every book and lecturer at my university. Oh, how everyone was so much wiser than Mr Newton.
They never explained why. Alchemy was wrong because that’s not how things happen, they said. And everyone these days knows it. But does anyone know what alchemy stands for?
Alchemy means the ability to change matter.
There’s the idea that the power of the mind can change matter. How ridiculous is that idea to the modern man!
The modern man and modern science are so advanced that we need not even think about such things. We know that angels, God, souls, and such things do nothing, since they don’t even exist. This is the creed of science. Everything is physical, atoms and such things, and everything comes from physical reality.
When in reality it’s the other way around.
Spirit creates matter. Spirit can change matter. I know this from experience.
Newton had direct experience with God. Practically, every wise man has always had direct experience with God. That’s because wisdom comes from Wisdom, and knowledge comes from Knowledge.
I also had direct experience of the hemispheres of my brain, which happened after realizing God exists. I experienced the other hemisphere having direct knowledge without words or calculation, and the other hemisphere (masculine) was like ridiculing it, because the other (intuitive, feminine hemisphere) couldn’t calculate and it had no knowledge of numbers and such logic. Eventually, this ”logical” masculine and very atheistic hemisphere had to admit that the other hemisphere had been right all along. I can’t really explain this very well, but I had it later somewhat explained to me, when the Spirit guided me to read the book Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor. I’ve never had a stroke, so my brain was healthy. Sort of. God made my brain better – that’s what happened to me.
True knowledge comes from direct experience. It can’t easily be explained to others, especially if others hold a belief system that denies that experience. The ignorant being arrogant in its ignorance means belief in an idea that is not valid. But beliefs matter. Like belief in money, which is basically belief in belief. And believers in money need not know even what money is, and they need not think about it, since just belief matters.
But I no longer have any reason to believe in anything. To me, knowledge matters. And logically, only truth is knowledge. God changed my masculine rational and atheistic hemisphere that only thought it was logical while believing lies into being logical in reality. And it had to admit that the feminine spiritual hemisphere was right and God exists.
“Alchemy means the ability to change matter.” Dont be shy.
Everybody knows it ultimately meant experiments on how to turn iron into gold.
As usual “scientists” and “academia” were wrapping it all into fine philosophical new speak to hide their lousy purpose:
“the creed of science”, “Spirit can change matter”, “when there is will there is a road”, “knowledge comes from knowledge”, “the intuitive, feminine hemisphere can do it”, “beliefs matter”, “transmutation into nobility”, “finding gold’s dna”.
All kinds of spectacular magic spells and acid liquids were thrown over innocent iron and lead who never had done anything wrong, to turn itself into gold bullion.
Many famous Royals and Scientists spent their whole lives via Kabbalah and other magic trying to create gold bullion and during their experiments found other useless nature laws like Newtons Laws, m.m..
Deeply disappointed they had to give up, and concluded God could not exist since it was not possible via acids, particles, mrna injections, and magic words to change low life into high life (gold bullion).
Thanks for a splendid comment by hv. Only a detail, the masculine and feminine hemisphere are complementary.
“…we have not even begun to understand how [the inner psyche] works. Not even a smidgen.”
Therefore (possibly) the greatest mystery of the universe must be “the other.”
If each of us barely knows or understands the inner workings of our own psyche, is it hubris to even begin to assume we know the inner workings or complexities of another without, in so doing, reducing and confining them to our own ignorant opinions of them, much like someone who believes there’s nothing more to figure out?
You are going to hurt the feelings of psychologists an psychiatrists.
Newsflash: Todd Hayen proves “All scientists are wrong”
It is entirely obvious to anyone who worked in professional science research that the whole nature of scientific enquiry makes it impossible to ‘understand’ in its entirety the nature of the universe.
Science is practiced through reductionist methods, believing that breaking things down into component parts explains everything.
Understanding everything about how a car is put together does not have any relevance to how you drive on roads, since there, you must not only be in control of your own car, but you must also anticipate and react to how other human beings are driving theirs. We’ve all experienced the horror of a 30 tonne lorry driving too close behind us and almost smashing into our rear because we are slowing down to filter off at an exit on a 3 lane dual carriageway. It happened to me two days ago and I was two feet away from being rammed, luckily no car was about to overtake the lorry when it swerved rapidly into the middle lane to avoid me.
The same is true of biological ecosystems. We may know the bare bones and some general principles may emerge about soil life and how it interacts, but our methods simply have no capability to define exactly how such systems come to equilibrium and what small changes in inputs may cause that equilibrium to be different.
The same is true of the climate – and any climate scientist that claims they can predict the future is a charlatan, a liar and a grifter to boot. There are so many external variables, which can occur but at totally unpredictable times in the future, that predicting the future is reduced to actuarial probabilities. And even then, our limited knowledge of history means that our ‘models’ have very inadequately calculated parameters.
We certainly have no clue what, if any, other whole life systems may have developed in the universe, not based on carbon chemistry, with particular forms of optical isomers being favoured in living systems. The easiest comparison would be the same carbon chemistry but using D-amino acids instead of L-amino acids to build a life form. Others within the carbon chemistry framework could use different amino acids from the 20 used on earth; they could use alternatives to DNA as the store of genetic information; etc etc. And wholly different ‘replicating life forms’ could be based on silicon chemistry, even on other key elements as the ‘building block’ of life.
There is of course, an extremely long-term need to ‘leave earth’ because a few billion years hence, the sun will run out of power and shut down, at which point all life on earth will die. But that is not in any way something our civilisation will have to wrest with. We would be better off designing robots to send in ‘spaceships’ and design them to return to earth decades or centuries later with relevant information about what might be out beyond our solar system. Humans haven’t yet answered the question of living under different gravitational force fields……
Most of the ‘need to know’ stuff comes from those who actually want to rid the world of nine tenths of its human population. I’ve still not come to terms with why they think that they are the right 500 million to solve all future challenges on earth. If biology teaches you one thing, it is that the genetic redundancy found on earth makes life far more resilient to unknown external shocks than some narrow view of ‘perfection’ in this one generation.
Throughout the Scamdemic the mantra was “Follow the Science” – when it should have been “Follow the Money”.
Good one, ha ha!
I couldn’t agree more. The audacity and naiveté is incredible